Friday 27 March 2020

Mother's Day - Sunday, 22 March 2020

Mother's Day - Sunday, 22 March 2020

Mum had a wonderful start to the day this morning; she was awake, and soon washed and dressed.

We went in and brushed her teeth, and I made tea, Ribena and Complan; I also prepared a little beaker of water to dissolve the proton pump inhibitor pill in it, and Mum was really ready to have something to drink, and have spoonfuls of Complan.

She was doing really well, and keen to drink; she wasn't spilling anything, or choking, and everything went down beautifully.

I asked her, "Are you thirsty, Ma?"

"No!" she said firmly. She was just enjoying the drink, taking the tea and water and swallowing easily; she had something of everything.

I reminded her that today was Mother's Day, and I showed her all the cards again, and read out all the verses, and what Wendy, Al and I had written for her. I left the cards on the table, where she could see them.

The ladies came at about 1.00 p.m., and settled Mum down for a nap.  Her bodily functions were getting back to normal, as well! which was so good to hear.

When Mum woke up again at about 4.30 p.m., she was very tired; I made fresh tea, Ribena and Complan, and tried to give her some more potassium syrup, but at this time of the day, she was really not as bright as she had been in the morning.

I looked at Mum's face, and how terribly thin and drawn it was; her skin was stretched tightly over her cheekbones, and she looked gaunt.

We all tried to encourage her to eat and drink something, but she was really not interested; when her tea had gone really cold, I made her a fresh cup, but that one didn't go down either. It was such a shame she couldn't maintain the wonderful momentum she had had earlier, but we had to accept that was how it was this evening.

We tried singing a few of her favourite songs; we added the lines she usually manages to come in on, but not even Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major, or Hang Out The Washing On The (Siegfried) Sidcup Line elicited a response.

After the bed call, the ladies left Mum tucked up snugly. I said, "Good night, God bless - I love you!" and then I went in to the lounge and wonders of wonders, watched a recording of the final episode of Last Tango in Halifax! I watch so little television, but I really enjoy that series, and this time there were only four episodes to see.

And so the clock ticked on to the end of the day, and Monday was approaching. At about midnight, it was time to go to Mum again, and see how she was, before getting to bed myself.

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