Sunday 28 April 2019

Uncle John's Second Birthday Phone Call

Uncle John's Second Birthday Phone Call

A quick follow-up to the first phone call earlier this morning, wishing Uncle John a happy birthday:

Having had such a success at 9.30 a.m. Brisbane time, by 9.30 a.m. our time, Mum was up, washed and dressed, and sitting in her chair, all ready for her breakfast; it was 6.30 p.m. for Uncle John, so I thought I would call the hospital again, and see if we could have another quick chat.

I got through to another nurse, who was happy to try and increase the volume on the phone she had - and again, it worked wonderfully! Mum could hear Uncle John, he could hear her, and everyone sang another round of Happy Birthday to him.

Then Uncle John said to Mum, "Hello, Phyllis, how are you!"

"I'm fine!" she said.

"I know what you're doing," he said, "you're having corn flakes, aren't you?!"

"I am!" she said.

Another couple of minutes of chit-chat, and Mum was busy eating her corn flakes, so I was able to ask Uncle John if he'd seen Johnny.

"Yes - he came round earlier," Uncle John said.

"Do you know where you might be moving to?" I asked.

"Not yet - he's going to look at a few places, and then I'll know."

"That's wonderful," I said, "and don't forget to tell us where you're moving to - Wendy is coming out to see you again, and she will be with you on 15 June."

"Yes, I know! I'm looking forward to it!"

What a positive, happy attitude Uncle John has got - and I'm sure knowing he will see Wendy again soon, has given him a real fillip.

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