Tuesday 23 April 2019

I'm Still Playing Catch-Up

I'm Still Playing Catch-Up

Wendy and I have been back home for just over two weeks; it's one thing landing at Heathrow and arriving home physically, it is quite another overcoming jet lag (I've just discovered that the older you get, the longer it takes!)  and it is only now that I am just about mentally and emotionally back with my feet on the ground.

For at least 48 hours, my body clock was still on Brisbane/Singapore time and over the first couple of days, I found myself waking up at 3.00 a.m. and thinking it felt more like mid-day in Brisbane. (It was nothing like the time before Wendy and I went to Australia, when I woke up at 3.00 a.m., feeling I was sure something was wrong with Uncle John, and had to start finding out what had happened to him; on this occasion, I was ready to get cracking on a good day's work).

The first time it happened, I lay in bed, wide awake, thinking: "This is silly. I am not going to sleep, so I may as well get up and do something useful." I duly got up and dressed and spent the next six hours doing various household jobs: peeling the vegetables and potatoes for dinner, getting (more!) washing for Mum on in the machine, doing some ironing, and getting various bills ready to be paid.
It's amazing what one can achieve in the wee small hours!

Slowly I got back into my natural rhythm, and I am now definitely back to being an owl, and working to my own time - ready for bed at about 1.00 - 2.00 a.m. UK time, and having an afternoon kip when I can!

I had been so worried about leaving Mum, but she had been looked after wonderfully well whilst Wendy and I were away. I think Mum probably did not miss me terribly, which was a huge relief, and if she ever thought to ask after me, everyone explained to her where I was: with Uncle John, who was seriously ill.

Mum would then ask, "What's the matter with him?"

When she was told, "He's got cancer," she would accept it - or seem to - and then ask "How did he catch that?!"

We have also celebrated Easter, which I love to do, sending cards and letters to dear friends and loved ones. This year, I had started writing letters very early, and was well ahead on time, until I had to drop everything and fly to Uncle John; having me in Australia, and the cards and letters left behind in England, was not conducive to sending everything out to arrive in good time for Easter!  I have now written letters to everyone, explaining what happened, and I am sure most people will understand why I was so adrift this year.

So, the days since I got back have passed in a bit of a blur, but it's good to feel I have just about caught up with everything now.

Two very tired passengers on board the plane!

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