Saturday 27 April 2019

Uncle John's 96th Birthday

Uncle John's 96th Birthday

Just about everyone who knows me, knows I am an owl, and today has been no different!

Late Saturday evening found me dashing away with the smoothing iron, until I realised it had gone midnight - 12.30 a.m. in fact - and we were into Sunday, 28 April, which is Uncle John's 96th birthday.

Up to now, whenever I have called Uncle John, the nurse on the ward has put me through to the phone by Uncle John's bed; sadly, the line on that one is too faint, and he cannot hear me on it at all. We have had two very happy sessions with a lovely volunteer lady sitting with Uncle John, who repeats to him what I have said, and that does work. However, as it is his birthday today, I felt I should try again anyway; even if we couldn't have a conversation, at least Uncle John would know we are all thinking of him.

I rang the ward number, and got through to a charming male nurse; I explained who I was, and that I wanted to wish Uncle John a Happy Birthday. I mentioned how deaf Uncle John is, and asked if he could perhaps stay with Uncle John for a few moments, and see if his deaf aids were working any better, and which ear might be on more effect "receive" mode!

The nurse said, he would give his phone to Uncle John; it has a volume button on it, and he turned it up to the maximum number it would go.

What a result we got! Uncle John could hear me perfectly well, and I sang "Happy Birthday" with great gusto. We had a proper chat, and he told me he's received all the birthday and Easter cards from us, and he was fine and doing well.

 I asked him if he knew yet, which nursing home he would be going to?

"No,: he said, "Johnny is still looking into it. He might visit today or tomorrow, and then I might know some more.

I told Uncle John Wendy is coming out again in June to visit him, and will be there on 15 June.

"Right!" said Uncle John, "I'll make a note of that!"

Well, I kept it short and sweet, because I was so aware how busy the nurse must be, and I did not want to take up too much of his time; but he knew how very happy and grateful I was, to have the chance to talk to Uncle John, especially on his birthday, and to wish him well.

The nurse said, "Just ask for the phone, that we all carry about with us, to be taken to your Uncle, and to increase the volume button!"

"I will!" I said, "and thank you so much for being so kind and helpful this morning!"

What a great result - I feel positively elated!

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