Thursday 21 July 2022

The Redbridge Rhymesters Return!

The Redbridge Rhymesters Return!

It’s been over two years since the Redbridge Rhymesters held their last meeting with the pupils from a local Primary School for a creative poetry session, back in October, 2019, writing poems in all their forms – sonnets, blank verse, narrative poems and odd odes; it has been a difficult time for those creative minds among us who love to share ideas and take inspiration from each other. 


 The Redbridge Rhymesters' "Hallowe'en" meeting, October 2019

The Redbridge Rhymesters first got together over 13 years ago; it all began when Janet West, from AgeUK Redbridge, Barking and Dagenham and Havering, found a poem I had written about my Grandma, and that I had recorded for AgeUK’s website. Janet got in touch with me and asked permission to reproduce it in the newsletter; of course, I was delighted to agree! and with interest in creative writing coming more and more to the fore, I was asked if I would lead a poetry meeting at the Allan Burgess Centre in Wanstead. It went so well, it was decided to make it a regular event, and since then we have enjoyed quarterly meetings, writing and sharing ideas, and performing our work. People can also bring in a favourite poem to read on the day, or else I am always happy to perform it for them; everyone is encouraged to participate, although if they prefer, they can also just sit back and enjoy the session. After each meeting, we produce a pamphlet containing all the new poems written by the Redbridge Rhymesters, and each participant is sent a copy; it makes a happy reminder of the day.

Such great oaks from little acorns grow, as they say, and the only thing that could interrupt our poetic flow was the arrival of the Covid 19 virus but, at long last, at the beginning of 2022, we could look forward to a new beginning; the Redbridge Rhymesters were very ready for a renaissance!

Although time and the virus had taken their toll, many of our stalwart members were keen to return, and I wanted to encourage new people to join us as well, by publicising what we do through articles in the local press. 

The poetry sessions are held at The Allan Burgess Centre, which is part of AgeUK Redbridge; it is a great hive of activity throughout the week, providing many other classes for people over 55; everyone is assured of a warm welcome and, if they wish, they can stay for a delicious lunch that is cooked fresh on the premises every day. 

After we got the "all clear" to start the Redbridge Rhymesters' meetings again, it was decided the first one in the New Year would be held on Tuesday, 18 January 2022, at 10.30 a.m. – 12.00 noon, with Bob joining in, happy to talk about getting inspiration for creative writing, in all its guises. Because it had been such a long time since our last meeting, we decided on the theme of "Free Choice," so anyone who wanted to come on the day, could pick their own favourite topic. 

I 'phoned and wrote to everyone I could think of who - before lockdown - had been part of our happy band, and really hoped for a good turnout. However, the weather was not kind to us! and the day dawned extremely cold, and with still-dark mornings, the pavements were very slippery underfoot. Nevertheless, 4 brave ladies decided to come and take part; it was so good to see them! and they all said how much they enjoyed it. 

Nothing daunted, we had a good session, and then arranged for our second meeting of the year, to be held on 3 May. The weather was better, and it all went well, but still we were sadly far short of the numbers who had taken part before the pandemic struck.

But then we had some wonderful news from the local Primary School; they really wanted to come and join in with The Redbridge Rhymesters again, before the school broke up for the Summer Holidays. 

A date was swiftly arranged - 12 July - and at this meeting, it felt we were at last on our way to returning to the level of enthusiasm and creativity we had built up over all the years since The Redbridge Rhymesters began. It was just a joy to have such an enthusiastic group, young poets and old poets together, taking part in creating imaginative and memorable verse.


 "Jubilations" - With children from Snaresbrook Primary School
12 July 2022

And the best part? The teachers have said they would like to bring the children back in the autumn, for another session. We are all in touch with each other, checking diary dates, and it is something to look forward to! 

We just need to choose a theme ....

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