Thursday 21 January 2021

Pushkin's Progress

 Pushkin's Progress

We are now three weeks into the New Year and so happy to have Pushkin still with us. 

We take one day at a time and, since she improved so much since New Year's Day, enjoy every minute of her company. 

After her last visit to the vets two weeks ago, we were told that after that session they were not prepared  to put Pushkin on more oxygen again, as it was not helping her, and they thought there were more underlying problems they could not identify, so we had to accept that they felt Pushkin was no longer treatable. It was a hard decision to arrive at, but we would never let her suffer in any way, and determined to give her the best loving attention as possible in the meantime. 

And then Pushkin started to improve. 

Bob sat with her on his knee for hours, as this is where she found respite from all her breathing problems; with her head on one side, whilst he brushed her fur, or just read a book, she slept peacefully. He was like her special nurse, and "love-bombed" her whenever she needed it. I am an owl, and go to bed quite late, so I would do the early hours of the morning shift; although I am not her first choice, she also settled down with me as well. She also started to eat more, and from feeling as though we were picking up a very thin, bony pussy cat, now as we lift her up, she definitely feels a little plumper. 

She seems to be much more contented, and enjoying going for her little ambles out on the patio, making sure everything she remembers is still in place, and when she comes in, she likes to have a bite to eat. She is eating whatever she fancies, and we are still tempting her appetite - she has always been rather a picky eater! - but  it seems to be working well enough and we make sure there is always something fresh that she likes.

Pushkin is a very elderly lady, and we want her to enjoy the autumn of her years. We are not in a rush to say goodbye, and as long as she continues to go gently along as she is, we are happy and grateful for this extra time with her.


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