Wednesday 28 October 2020

Today is Mum's Birthday

Today Is Mum's Birthday

It's 28 October, and today Mum would have been 101 one years old - or young! 

It's a strange feeling, all these "firsts" without her around to celebrate with us - my first birthday without her back in March; Easter; Wendy's birthday; and now her own birthday is here again. 

It's comforting to think back to the week-long celebration of her centenary birthday last year, including Tea at the Ritz, with the Birthday cards, not only from all of us, but from the Queen and the Minister for Work and Pensions as well, on the table. It was such a lovely time, and everyone made such a fuss of Mum. The visit to the Ritz was on the Saturday (Mum only liked taking tea on a Saturday!) and we had people visiting on the Sunday, and of course on the Monday, her actual birthday.  She had so many cards and flowers and presents, and messages, phone calls and e-mails; and afterwards, I put everything into a traditional photo album, which she really enjoyed looking through, and remembering everyone who had thought about her. They were happy days!

I know nowadays many people rely on keeping photos on their phones, or in the cloud (whatever that is - and however it works!) but you cannot share photos using those methods with someone like Mum. When I had finished preparing it, she had a proper, physical album to hold, turn the pages, look at all the cards I fixed inside, and re-read all the messages. I am so glad I got it everything done in good time, and she was able to enjoy looking through the album and see how much everything thought of her, and about her; right to the end of her life, she was happy for me to hold the album up and turn the pages for her, so that she could enjoy it. 

I know I'm overly sentimental, but I noticed the Happy Birthday banner we put up over her bed last October is still stuck on the wall! I am not in a hurry to bring it down, it makes me happy to see it up there! but in due course I will add it to the last page of Mum's Birthday Album.

We all still feel Mum's presence around us, and today I have received messages and phone calls from folk both in England and abroad, spending time chatting and happily reminiscing about Mum and her life. 

So, today has been a bittersweet time; we are sad that she isn't here, but happy to remember the good times, and the gentle way she left us on 23 March this year. 

I think it's worth attaching again, the photo from the Tea at the Ritz, as a reminder of a great day, and a memorable celebration. 




It’s not every day we celebrate

A great centenary year

And now that you’re one hundred

It’s time to raise a cheer


For so many things that you have done

You’ve travelled far and wide

To Africa in all its ways

With Grandma by your side.


You’ve worked in jobs demanding much

But the pinnacle of your career

Was to land a top post in Treasury

A male-dominated sphere!


There have been seismic changes

But you’ve coped with every one

And risen up to do your best

And come out well and strong. 


We’re a family small, but large on love

You’re our universal glue,

Helping and encouraging us

To stay steadfast and true.


So we can celebrate with love

And congratulatory cheer

This special gathering at the Ritz

Now that your birthday’s here.



Alexandra Wilde


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