Friday 28 February 2020

Christmas Celebrations

Christmas Celebrations

So where was I with Christmas?

With all that has been going on with the oedema problems in Mum's legs and now torso, Christmas seems like such a long time ago! But it did go well; we were all together and, even though she was very sleepy, Mum sat with us at the dining table for Christmas dinner.

Al came up from Portsmouth to spend the day with us; I got the turkey on bright and early - a very large turkey crown so, although it was still very heavy to get in and out of the oven, at least there were no legs adding to the weight! and nothing was wasted.

I did really well, cooking the dinner; the timing was just right, I remembered the Yorkshire puddings (I don't like them, but everyone else does!) and to prepare the stuffing as well; the Brussel sprouts were peeled and ready, and everything got cooked in the right order. Amazing, really!

I do like to make an effort at Christmas, and birthdays; there's always an appropriate cover on the table, with festive napkins and crackers, and it's nice to have a special background for the meal.

Mum was very sleepy on Christmas Day, but she perked up enough to be taken in her wheelchair to the table; Al and Wendy helped to feed Mum with some dinner and her tea, and it was lovely to be together for an hour or two.

We helped Mum to pull a cracker; her hands were really not strong enough to grip the end, but we did our best, and hoped she felt part of the party.

After the meal, we went into the lounge and opened a couple of presents by the Christmas tree, but Mum was very dozy, and fairly slumped into the chair. We tried taking a couple of photos, but it was difficult to raise a smile from Mum; it's no good forcing it, so when the ladies came back - earlier than usual, as it was Christmas Day, and they also needed to have some much-needed time with their own families at home - Mum got to bed and settled down.

We carried on opening presents from our loved ones and friends - a very gentle and happy time for us all, and we reckoned when Mum is more awake and aware of what's going on, we would open her gifts with her then.

Dinner time on Christmas Day, 2019

Mum with family Christmas cards and presents -
and finding a smile!

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