Thursday 27 December 2018

Mum Remembers a Dear Friend

Mum Remembers A Dear Friend.

We have a wonderful friend, June, who lives across the road from us; over all the years we have lived  here, she has been a dear friend and neighbour, always ready to visit Mum and spend time with her. 

Even before Mum broke her ankle, and had to stay with us permanently, June would come over and see Mum, and talk to her; if Mum was in a "funny mood" (i.e., grumpy and unpredictable), June would say,"Oh, I'll come and see her - she'll be alright!" And, after a short while in June's company, Mum was indeed "alright," and in a much happier frame of mind.

At one time, June also presented Mum a beautiful rug, which Mum uses a lot, draping it over her knees to keep her legs warm. 

Just before Christmas, June came over to see us, and we had a great time chatting about this and that, and generally setting the world to rights. When it was time for her to leave, June said she would look in on Mum in her bedroom, and say "Hello."

We weren't sure if Mum would remember her, so I went in with June, and said, 



"June's come to see you - do you remember June? She lives just across the road."

And Mum's reply was a brilliant early Christmas present for us all.

Without any hesitation, Mum said, 

"Oh, yes, I remember June." Mum patted the rug on her knee: "She gave me this lovely shawl."

We all looked at each other, amazed and delighted that such a good memory is still tucked away somewhere inside Mum's head. 

I think it is so important never to stop trying to stimulate someone's memory, and perhaps bring back
something good to the forefront of their mind.  

I know June was equally thrilled that Mum had remembered her so clearly; and the best part about it was that Mum was actually wearing the rug June had given her. 

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