Sunday 2 July 2017

Mum's Matchmaking

Mum's Matchmaking

My Uncle John is Mum's brother, and he lives in Brisbane.  Since his wife (Aunt Marguerite) died in 2003, he has been very lonely; he has no grandchildren.  He manages very well, still drives and looks after himself in a retirement unit, but he would love to have a nice lady friend, to enjoy outings with, take out for lunch and maybe go to the cinema with occasionally.

Mum is aware of his situation, and tries her best to get him matched up with any lady that comes into her life.

Scene:  Mum is being taken to the bathroom by a young carer.

My brother's looking for a wife, you know....

Is  he?

Oh, yes.  Since his wife died, he's very lonely.  He hasn't got anyone.

That's a shame

You'd be a nice wife for him.  He'd like you, and you'd have a lovely life with John.

But I'm afraid I'm married already.

Oh, that doesn't matter!

Alex (who has been listening to this exchange, and decides to rescue the carer)
Mum, this young lady is a bit young for Uncle John, you know.


Well, he's 94 now......

Mum (pausing to think for a moment)
Well, I know he's fond of Wendy, and she goes out to see him all the time....... He could marry Wendy.

Mum, Wendy does love Uncle John, like a grand-daughter would, but she is his great niece! She's a close relative, and in any case, she is 50 years younger than Uncle John.

Mum (looking at Alex - and a light bulb moment happens)
Oh, I see..... Well, he can marry you, then!

Young carer and Alex collapse into laughter.  Mum still thinks she has had a brilliant idea!

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