Friday 6 August 2021

Wendy and I Have A Day Out

Wendy and I Have A Day Out

The rain stopped lashing down, the thunder ceased to rumble, and the lightning gave up illuminating the night (and day) skies: in simple terms, the weather improved! and by good fortune, that was the day we chose to have a day out - "ein Tagesausflug" - and what a great time we enjoyed!

Still being concerned about social distancing, and not knowing how people would behave in restaurants, we took sandwiches and bottles of water, crisps and a couple of bars of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, and set off for a 250-mile round trip. 

Wendy loves to drive, so the distance didn't bother her, and it was just lovely to be driving out, bright and early, first to visit people in Gloucestershire, and then take ourselves on a leisurely journey back home.

It was also great to discover people are generally still being very careful to follow guidelines to protect fellow travellers who stop off at service stations; most were wearing masks and keeping their distance, so we felt pretty safe during the whole day.

As we neared Oxford, we reminisced about the great Christmases we had spent at the Four Pillars Hotel in Witney; they were really great times, with Mum in good form, and enjoying all the happy family festivities. We went back for the Christmas break for 4 years, and I certainly appreciated all the hard-working staff, who willingly took the strain of providing a happy time for everyone. 

We decided to make a little detour for a fleeting visit to Ducklington, the village near the Hotel, and see if things we remembered were still there!

Ducklington Village with St Bartholomew's Church

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