Tuesday 16 February 2021

An Update On Uncle John: and Posts Dated 23 June 2020 and 24 June 2020

An Update On Uncle John: and Posts Dated 23 June 2020 and 24 June 2020

On 19 June 2020, I wrote a published post for this blog explaining how, about two weeks earlier, I had once again tried to contact Uncle John. I had telephoned the Receptionist at the nursing home, and she did at least hear me out, but still the answer was the same: there was no possibility of us speaking to him. 

To try and clear my mind, I then wrote a couple of draft posts for the blog: the first was dated 23 June 2020, and listed what had been going on with the Solicitor I'd asked to take up the cudgels on our behalf (except that, in the end, there wasn't anything that she could do) and exchanges of e-mails; the second draft, dated 24 June 2020, detailed the conversation I had with the Solicitor, when she rang me from Brisbane. 

I didn't publish those posts in June, but left them as drafts; I felt I really needed to take a step back from everything for a little while, to concentrate on more positive things that I have good control over, and that would result in happier outcomes. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and we have dealt with so much, especially making sure Mum had a good send off in September, and I know it was the right decision to step back and take the time to clarify things in my own mind. 

I now feel the need to return to this sad business, so I shall share what I probably should have posted back in June last year. So, here goes, and here are those two posts: published a bit later than they should have been, but still... I think it's important to have a full account. 

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