Sunday, 26 May 2024

We Find A Much Better Place To Lay Our Heads in Adelaide!

We Find A Much Better Place To Lay Our Heads In Adelaide! 

The KT Apartment turned out to be wonderful, and had everything we could wish for. Yes: even Wendy found it an interesting experience checking in online, but she coped magnificently, and once in through the front door, what a terrific apartment we found it to be. A truly luxurious place, where we swiftly settled in, and got ourselves organised. Of course, we were now running rather later than we would have liked, and we still had to find a branch of Coles or Woolworths to buy some food; but we stopped thinking about the time, and just got on with what needed to be done. Everything was soon achieved, and whilst we did the shopping, the dishwasher completed its job of cleaning the cutlery and crockery. We were so happy and relieved to be in such a good place; everything we wanted was conveniently to hand, and the beds were super comfortable: just what we needed to enjoy a good night's rest. 

The elegant lounge

Looking out over Adelaide from the lounge

From our balcony: Dawn coming up over Adelaide

We were up early the next morning, and drove to another suburb of Adelaide, to meet at last a dear friend, face to face.  Up to this point, we had only had the pleasure of writing to and talking with her on the phone, so it was high time we met up properly.  

We enjoyed a splendid afternoon with her, and accompanied her on a visit to her local shopping mall - it was vast, containing all the types of store you could desire, from clothes to souvenirs, as well as the very necessary supermarket for provisions.

There couldn't be a better name for a Milk Bar!



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