Sunday, 28 March 2021

I Celebrate A Significant Birthday

I Celebrate A Significant Birthday

So here I am, happily typing away on my birthday:

I'm seventy-five today! Seventy-five today! I've got the key of the door, never been seventy-five before...!

The past five weeks or so have been interesting, to say the least; I am in the middle of chronicling the "adventures" I have been through since February and will publish them shortly but right now, I am in the present time and, having reached this milestone birthday, I am making good progress after all the trials and tribulations I've faced. I am so glad to have been brought safely to this point!

In fact, my birthday has been celebrated over two days, with Wendy and Bob in person; Wendy produced a beautiful cake, and I had presents and cards to open. Earlier this afternoon, I had a brilliant call from Al, and throughout the day, so many loving messages on e-mail and phone calls. Cards received throughout the week have completed a very happy 48 hours.

The Candles Are Lit
Wendy Brings In My Birthday Cake

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Remembering 23 March 2020

Remembering 23 March, 2020

It doesn't seem like a year ago since Mum died; so much - and yet, so little - has happened, what with "normal" life being put on hold with the virus necessitating lockdowns, and curtailment of all our usual activities. 

I am just so grateful that the situation eased in September last year, so that we were able to hold Mum's funeral in the way that she - and we - wanted it to be, a gentle celebration of her life and all that she had achieved. 

It's strange, too, because when I go into her old bedroom, I sometimes think she is still there; in my head, I know she isn't, but I feel she is still around us, and all our memories are there; the piano where I used to play all the old favourite songs and Mum would join in with great gusto - sometimes getting the words a bit mixed up, but always able to hit the higher notes better than I could!

So, in 2021, another milestone has been reached, and passed. I'm sure I will always feel she is still with us; I feel my Grandma's presence, too, and hear her wise words in my head.